School Families

image showing a group of students in their school family.

At the beginning of each year the students are all divided into families. One or two eighth graders act as the family leaders. The rest of the family consists of one to three students from each grade depending on the number of students in each of the grades.

The families get together each month for a variety of activities. Some activities are church related, holiday related, school related (Red Ribbon Week) and for fun (line dancing together for ACES).  At the end of the school year the families are our teams for our annual school wide Field Day.

This is a wonderful way for students to get to know each other, help grow in their faith, and enjoy the school year all that better!


Past Yearly Family Activities include:

  • October – This was the first meeting for the kids and get to know each other.  Our school’s annual theme is introduced, and reflected upon. Usually some project is done in regards to this theme.
  • November – Families made posters about the different branches of the military for our Veteran’s Day Celebration.  These posters hung in the hallway going to the cafeteria where we had a reception for all of those who attended mass that morning.
  • December – Each of the families made cards for In Heaven’s Eyes to put into the lunches they make each Saturday.  Bingo was also played school wide.
  • January – Families gathered during Catholic Schools Week for a fun game of all school bingo.
  • February – Lenten focused, usually a poster creation on the importance and meaning of lent.
  • March – Lenten focused. Watched a video about lent and talked about what each was giving up and what it meant to give something up.
  • April and May –  Preparation for Field Day. Making up chants, designing t-shirts, and working on the poster and essay.