PTO Volunteerism

The Holy Family Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) requests all parents sign up for ONE volunteer activity for PTO. Please click on the PTO link below to sign up for your volunteer activity. It is so valuable for Holy Family School & Preschool to have your help. Without our great parents, many of the activities would be hard to pull off!

Below is a description of various activities that you can sign up for during registration on the Sign Up Genius link.

  • Food Donation – send in food as requested by PTO for teacher luncheons, drop off food at student drop off.
  • Book Fair Assistant – Work in library during book fair in September or March, during school or after school hours, generally 2-3 hour shifts
  • Donut Breakfast –  Work 7am -8am serving donuts at various grade level breakfasts
  • Snack Donation – donate requested items during testing (mints, fruit, etc.)
  • Room Parents – help in classroom as requested by teacher, assist with classroom art project for auction
  • Teacher Appreciation Committee – assist with teacher appreciation week in May, need to be able to come in during that week during school hours
  • Used Uniform – flexible availability after school to assist selling used uniforms, sell at parent teacher conferences twice a year
  • Walkathon – work during school hours at the Walkathon in September at a game or safety/water station this does not include walking with your child
  • Field Day Cookout Chairperson – organize volunteers and order food for cookout on field day in late May

Auction volunteer items:

Auction Committee – Various duties to assist with the Auction & Gala.  Flexible times and days, good for working parents.  Duties to choose from include:

  • Cleanup – do not need to attend auction, clean up either night of or morning after
  • Decoration – occurs on the Thur, Fri, and Sat prior to auction during the day
  • Finance Chair– Organize auction spreadsheet could do at home or from work
  • Procurement – Help gather donations for auction from past and new donors, can do on own time
  • Program Website – Create and type descriptions of items, coordinate cover contest for school, could do on own time
  • Set Up – Assist with set up of items on Thur, Fri, and Sat prior to auction during the day
  • Bid Spotter –  Must attend auction, will help spot bidders during live auction
  • Raffle – Sell raffle tickets after Mass or other functions during months of Sept, Oct, and Nov not during school hours
  • Reservations – take reservations after mass or other functions, help stuff envelopes to mail invitations.
  • Art Project Chairperson – Will help coordinate with room parents and classroom to complete art projects for Auction.  Usually occurs in January and happens during school hours, takes about 4 hrs total.
  • Classroom Basket – Help purchase items for classroom baskets that are auctioned off at the annual auction, could be done on own time
  • Eighth Grade Memory Items – various 8th grade items needs to be 8th grade parent

Thank you! These important volunteer positions help ease the strain on teachers and staff, raise money to keep tuition low, and give you a chance to interact with your students during the school day.