Holy Family School has a proud and storied tradition of academic excellence, both during the Daisy Lane years and well beyond. Our alumni have distinguished themselves at the highest levels during their high school, college, and professional years, and we are proud of the mark they have made on their schools and community. To illustrate, at Our Lady of Providence High School, where an average of 75% of our graduates attend, 21 HFS grads have been named Valedictorian or Salutatorian of their graduating class in the past 24 years! In addition, seven alums have been recognized as Finalist or Commended Scholar by the National Merit Scholars program for their outstanding performance through the Scholastic Aptitude Testing program. See the complete list below, and congratulations to these Holy Family alums!
Valedictorians and Salutatorians of their Senior Class at Providence
HFS Class
1994 Michael Burton, PHS Valedictorian, 1998
1994 Scott Oster, PHS Salutatorian, 1998
1995 Christina Wuerth, PHS Valedictorian, 1999
1997 Jami Day, PHS Salutatorian, 2001
1999 Patrick Burton, PHS Co-Valedictorian, 2003
2001 Erica Frazier, PHS Co-Valedictorian, 2005
2002 Erin Brown, PHS Valedictorian, 2006
2004 Leah Ernstberger, PHS Valedictorian, 2008
2005 Chelsea Kobel, PHS Valedictorian, 2009
2005 Darin Habermel, PHS Salutatorian, 2009
2006 Maria Cochran, PHS Valedictorian, 2010
2007 Thomas Wiles, PHS Valedictorian, 2011
2007 Joseph Becht, PHS Salutatorian, 2011
2009 Reed Fansler, PHS Co-Valedictorian, 2013
2009 Kathleen Wiles, PHS Salutatorian, 2013
2012 Ryan Fansler, PHS Co-Valedictorian, 2016
2013 Tony Kaiser, PHS Valedictorian, 2017
2013 Nicholas Tomlin, PHS Salutatorian, 2017
2014 Heidi Popson, PHS Valedictorian, 2018
2014 Shawn Fitzpatrick, PHS Co-Salutatorian, 2018
2014 Emma Kerr, PHS Co-Salutatorian, 2018
National Merit Finalists and Commended Scholars
2001 Erica Frazier – Commended, 2005
2012 Ryan Fansler – Commended, 2016
2013 Tony Kaiser – Commended, 2017
2013 Nicholas Tomlin – Commended, 2017
2014 Kaleb Dunn – Finalist, 2018
2014 Adam Garcia – Commended, 2018
2014 Jacob Staashelm – Finalist, St. Xavier HS, 2018
Note: We have access to the achievements of our alumni who graduate from our deanery Catholic high school, Our Lady of Providence, but we recognize that HFS alums perform at high levels at Louisville Catholic and local public high schools. We are pleased to honor them if provided that information. Please email us to let us know how our HFS alums are doing!