Asynchronous eLearning Days – February 6 & 7

Due to illnesses, Dr. Harris, Floyd County Health Officer, strongly recommends that tomorrow, Thursday, February 6th, and Friday, February 7th, be asynchronous eLearning days. I have consulted with Sarah Watson, Assistant Superintendent of Catholic Schools, and have been approved for these eLearning days. There will be no students on campus. I apologize for any inconvenience this puts on your family. We all know the value of being in school; however, the wellness of our students is a priority. 

If your child is out today and you need to pick up their Chromebook, please call and let us know. We will have it in the office for you.

Other events and dates to make note of:

  • The Spaghetti Luncheon will be on Friday, February 21st
  • The PTO Father/Daughter Valentine’s Dance will be Friday, February 28th, 6:30–8:00 pm

Please read through the information below carefully for your child’s work.

Preschool Students

  • Read a book and practice letters and numbers

Kindergarten- 1st Grade Students

  • Work will be sent home today and emailed to parents from their student’s teacher

2nd Grade Students

  • Work will be posted in the student’s Google Classroom and Dojo

3rd-4th Grade Students

  • Work will be posted in Google Classroom by 9:00 a.m. each morning
  • Parents will receive an email from their student’s teacher
  • All work must be completed and submitted by 8:00 a.m. the following day.

5th-8th Grade Students

  • Work will be posted in Google Classroom by 9:00 a.m. each morning
  • All work must be completed and submitted by 8:00 a.m. the following day.

I appreciate your support regarding the asynchronous eLearning Days. Please keep all our sick students, faculty, and staff in your prayers. We will clean and sanitize the school and look forward to a healthy return on Monday.