PTO Presents Father Daughter Valentine’s Day Dance – RSVP by Tuesday, February 4!

graphic reading Holy family school and preschool pto presents father daughter valentine's day dance february 9 at 6:30 p.m. Holy family daughters, along with their father or father figure, are invited. $20 per couple and $5 each additional daughter. RSVP by Tuesday, February 4

Our PTO is sponsoring a “Father”/Daughter Valentine’s Dance on Saturday, February 8th, in our gymnasium. Holy Family daughters, along with their father or father figure, are invited. Tickets cost $20 per couple; each additional daughter is $5. RSVP by Tuesday, February 4th, so that we can plan accordingly. Your RSVP is not complete until you send your money for the tickets to the office (cash or check only). Tickets will be given after payment is received.