Who Wants to be Featured on the Holy Family Walk of Fame?

graphic reading who wants a holy family walk of fame star? Contact auction@holyfamilyeagles.com

Do you have a connection to a local business?

We are requesting donations and sponsorships to help make our auction a success! As an auction contributor, they will be recognized in our auction program. It is distributed to over 300 attendees, including parents, parishioners, business leaders, and friends in our community. We would be thrilled to have donations and will be happy to accept any donation that is given! 

We are also offering sponsorship opportunities for our event! The business name and logo will be featured in various ways based on sponsorship amount. Designated levels are as follows:

1. Tony Award ($250)

  • Yard sign with business name and logo on display along Daisy Lane before and after event

2. Emmy Award ($500)

  • Includes same as Tony Award level
  • Business name and logo in Auction Program

3. Grammy Award ($1000)

  • Includes same as Emmy Award level
  • Business name and logo to appear on one of our Featured Sponsor tables
  • Invitation for 2 guests to join us at your own sponsored table at the event

4. Oscar Award ($2000)

  • Includes same as Grammy Award level
  • Digital sign recognition on the Holy Family marquee during the Silent Auction
  • Invitation for up to 8 guests to join us at your own sponsored table at the event

Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities at www.holyfamilyeagles.org/auction. If you have any questions about donations and/or sponsorships, please contact us at auction@holyfamilyeagles.com! The deadline for sponsorships is Friday, January 12.